Fancy Gifts for your Valentine’s Day Lover

FullSizeRender Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and it is the second, best, fake holiday in the whole world, first is, obvi, my birthday. Moving on. I love, love, LOVE Valentine’s Day because you get to spend some quality time with the person you love and then presents. Love and presents! So if you have someone in your life that you want to spend time with, you should plan accordingly!


1. Make reservations at a nice restaurant you both enjoy like the Melting Pot, Legal Seafoods, Maggiano’s Little Italy, Ruth Chris. Ok, NO ONE wants to eat at McDonalds. If you’re on a budget, then you need to know how to cook. If you don’t know how to cook, you still have a few days to learn. You can make a beautiful, romantic, candle lit, home cooked dinner for your loved one! Click here for some recipes!

2. You know the saying, the devil is in the details! To set the mood, you could and should make a song playlist using the FREE app Soundcloud! Soundcloud is an app for smart phones which allows you to search for songs and create playlists. For inspiration, if you’re not a music person, here are a few songs on my playlist…

Ellie Goulding – Love Me Like You Do

Selena Gomez – Come & Get It

Odesza – Sun Models

Route 94 feat. Jess Glynne – My Love

Ellie Goulding – Midas Touch

Disclosure (flume remix) – You & Me

3. Make sure you look good for your date. Wear something they haven’t seen you in before or if you can’t get new clothes, wear something nice that you KNOW they love to see you in!

4. Bring a gift(s)! See below…


So… I asked around a little about what gifts people would prefer and here are some of the responses I received…


Annabel, Erica’s new Kitty. Photo Credit: Erica

1) A little pet! I was surprised by all the responses I got from women about how they want little, cuddely animals for Valentine’s Day. If your girl is an animal lover, she doesn’t want to settle for a stuffed animal – GET her the real thing! A puppy! A Kitty! What are you waiting for?! What would melt a girls heart more than adopting a little, fury, playful, baby animal! I personally don’t know much about how to obtain one because I can’t even think about taking on the responsibility to chase around or feed another thing in my life, BUT I think you could get one from the pound.

2) FLOWERS! Get her flowers that she likes. You should know which flowers she likes! JK, ask her what her favorite flower is if you don’t know. If you don’t want to ask her, you are pretty much ALWAYS safe to go with ROSES! I LOVE flowers – especially roses SO much. I just love the way they smell and how they can brighten up a room. Giving a girl flowers is an old fashion thing and a way to show her chivalry is NOT dead! I don’t know many girls who wouldn’t appreciate flowers!

GODIVA! Photo Credit: Lauren

Photo Credit: Lauren

3) Sweet tooth! Yes we have them! Get her a treat as sweet as she is 😉 GODIVA is usually the go-to place and right now their 6 piece Limited Edition Valentine’s Day Truffles are selling for only $16!

4) The gift of LISTENING is a beautiful, intangible, valuable, FREE gift that anyone would appreciate! We have two ears and one mouth for a reason. Something I’ve definitely been trying to work on. It can also help you when you’re trying to buy for that lover who’s hard to buy for. Listen to the things they like! LISTEN! In my case, I can’t buy my bae a TESLA but I came up with a thoughtful, lil alternative 😉 I got him a black, reflective TESLA windbreaker and I hope he doesn’t read this! Surprise!

Photo Credit: Lauren

Photo Credit: Lauren

IMG_17335) This last gift was a recommendation from a guy. um… lol. OK, get your partner a toy I guess?! I thought lingerie was good enough but apparently this is what he or she may Really want?! So I’ve actually never bought a toy before, but I know a lot of people have. Is everyone supposed to have toys? I don’t even know how this works? haha, well surprise honey I hope you like THIS gift!

Happy Valentines Day! Make sure you plan something super special for your lover. They put up with you! They deserve it! Life’s short, live it fancy! xox


About laurenbgammon

I'm just a girl who loves fashion. It's always been a big part of who I am. Fashion is important because it shapes the way people see you and how you see yourself. You can show me love by clicking like on my posts, commenting, and following!
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