Fabulously Fit ✨ How I Stay in Shape 💪

Sometimes people ask how I stay fit and truthfully, there are a lot of answers to that question. First, I have always been pretty thin, (so genetics) but secondly and more importantly by living a healthy lifestyle. And being fit really is a lifestyle. So below are my commitments that help me maintain my weight!

1) I use the MyFitnessPal app! Have you heard of this app?!?! It’s a free calorie counter, diet and exercise journal. This is the best app ever because it creates a personal plan just for you! Enter your age, weight and the weight you’re hoping to achieve. According to your goal, the app calculates how many calories you should be eating. I record all my meals and it counts the calories for me. The app also accounts for exercise. For example, if you’ve done 30 minutes of cardio, you can enter it into the app and you gain calories to eat for the day. It also counts the steps you take through the day, sort of like a Fitbit. Since using this app, I make more conscious decisions to eat healthier. Before this app, I never recorded or even remembered what I ate. I just didn’t think about it. Now when I eat or plan a meal for dinner I think about what vitamins are in certain foods or “what are these foods going to be high in… fiber? saturated fat?” This helps me and my family have more energy and get into healthier eating habits. It’s really helpful to realize what you snack on too. Before this app, I didn’t realize how many times I would eat candy through the day or some other junk food. Snacks make up the most calories of my day (I guess I’m a big snacker). Now I’ve changed to snacking on carrots and hummus or celery and peanut butter, an apple, celementine – you get the idea. But the healthy transition wasn’t easy. In the first few days of using this app I felt like I was starving! Even though I was eating breakfast, lunch, dinner, with all my snacks I just felt SO hungry!!  But I promise you, after the first few days of suffrage you get used to eating less calories and you don’t crave as much junk, that is of course if you’ve stopped eating the junk. This app also helped me in college, because when I was in school I was worried about gaining – like we’ve all heard of the “freshman 15”. I distinctively remember a phone conversation with one of my girlfriends and I was telling her, “if I gain weight I’ll just drop out. Nothing’s worth gaining weight!” which, I hope you can understand, is a ridiculous joke! I love to laugh! But also know that I was concerned about maintaining my body weight, and that is the first step to achieve your goal, you have to be concerned about your image and health in order to make a real change. If you want to loose weight or maintain your weight get this app! If you use it like you’re supposed to (recording your meals every day), it will work for you AND you will be motivated to eat healthier and exercise more often. Lastly, I just wanted to stress, your diet majorly accounts for how you look. If you’re one of those people who just hates exercise, you really have to watch what you eat and MyFitnessPal is the perfect app for that!

2) I bought a scale and I’m not afraid to use it! #sassypants This is going to sound so silly but I lost weight just by weighing myself every day. I never used to weigh myself. If you had asked me a few years ago what my weight was I really would’ve guessed a number. No clue. And I was a little chubby then too. When you weigh yourself every day you become more exact. You know that your weight today may be different from the day before and you think about the choices (good or bad) you made and how it may have affected your weight. Also know that muscle weighs more than fat so when you work out more, you may be gaining good weight and that’s muscle. Sometimes it gets tricky with the scale but it’s always good to know your weight; knowledge is power! 

3) Off and on I take 7 Keto Dhea and among all the benefits I get from this, it definitely  helps me get toned. Click here to check out a previous blog post I wrote explaining all the benefits of 7 Keto Dhea! 

4) I try to work out as often as I can which for me is about 3-4x a week, even if it’s a short 10 minute YouTube video. It’s better than nothing! And yes, I LOVE YouTube workout vids! Guilty! Love working out in the comfort of my own living room. And I try to switch up my routines by doing different vids. If I make it to the gym, I always do at least 30 minutes of some sort of cardio, usually running. I love cardio! You can take classes at your gym to switch up your exercise routines. Most gyms offer yoga, body combat, or like a weight training class. Take those! And if you’re intimidated, persuade a friend to come with you! There’s nothing more fun then exercising with a friend especially if you’re like me and hate going to the gym (or anywhere) alone! Also I do, sometimes wear my waist trainer at the gym but it’s primarily for back support, I’m not really expecting to shrink my waist… Click here to read my previous blog post about waist training!

I hope my list of how to stay fit doesn’t overwhelm you, just remember that staying fit really is a lifestyle. 💪 There’s no quick fix. There’s only consistency and honesty. Be honest with yourself about your weight and what you eat, and be consistent with your exercise. Xox 💋

About laurenbgammon

I'm just a girl who loves fashion. It's always been a big part of who I am. Fashion is important because it shapes the way people see you and how you see yourself. You can show me love by clicking like on my posts, commenting, and following!
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